
A Book to Have


This is an e-book that is really helpful for radiologic technology students and radiology residents as it really explains the basic of physics. It is well written, concise and brief with all the important factors present so memorizing is easy. Reading it is just a breeze. I bet this will really help you in our board and diplomate exams. You may visit www. radtech1895.com for this e-book and for your orders.
Happy reading!


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this is an interesting site especially for those connected with the specialty of Radiology. Old or new practitioner would find this site useful. radiologic technologist are included. do visit.

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Choosing a President

What is import now in choosing the next president is not his/her flatform or his/her promises of what (s)he plans to do when (s)he becomes a president. We had a president who claimed to be the top of his/her class, a brilliant mind to say, but LOOK where that president led us. Not on top of the fast growing nation, not even just on the list of a progressive country. But we are one of the most corrupt country in the world. WHERE ARE THE PROMISES THEY MADE WHEN THEY RAN FOR PRESIDENT? DID THEY FOLLOW THEIR FLATFORMS? I dont believe so. What they say in the news is not what i see in reality. So this time, I would choose someone with INTEGRITY, MORALS and TRANSPARENCY IN HIS GOVERNANCE. These I believe will help us recover from the depth of poverty and corruption. So look deep in your heart and conscience and choose the RIGHT PERSON TO LEAD US.